Privacy Policy以下に当ブログのプライバシーポリシーを記載します
Below is the privacy policy of this blog.
当サイトは、Googleの「Google Analytics」をアクセス解析ツールとして利用しています。トラフィックデータ収集のためにCookieを使用していますが、個人を特定するものではございません。トラフィックデータ収集は、Cookieの無効化により拒否することが可能です。詳しい利用規約につきましては、下記のページをご参照ください。
● About the access analysis tool used by this site
This site uses Google's "Google Analytics" as an access analysis tool. We use cookies to collect traffic data, but we do not identify individuals. Traffic data collection can be rejected by invalidating cookie. For detailed terms of use, please refer to the following page.
Terms of Service | Google Analytics – Google
This site uses Google's "Google Analytics" as an access analysis tool. We use cookies to collect traffic data, but we do not identify individuals. Traffic data collection can be rejected by invalidating cookie. For detailed terms of use, please refer to the following page.
Terms of Service | Google Analytics – Google
このような広告配信事業者は、ユーザーの興味に応じた商品やサービスの広告を表示するため、当サイトや他サイトへのアクセスに関する情報 『Cookie』(氏名、住所、メール アドレス、電話番号は含まれません) を使用することがあります。
● About ad delivery
On this site, we use a third-party advertisement service (Google Adsense).
In order to display advertisements of products and services according to the interests of users, such advertisement distribution businesses include information "Cookie" (name, address, e-mail address, telephone number) related to access to this site and other sites We do not use it) may be used.
For more information about Google Adsense, please click here for details of this process and how to prevent such information from being used by ad serving companies.
On this site, we use a third-party advertisement service (Google Adsense).
In order to display advertisements of products and services according to the interests of users, such advertisement distribution businesses include information "Cookie" (name, address, e-mail address, telephone number) related to access to this site and other sites We do not use it) may be used.
For more information about Google Adsense, please click here for details of this process and how to prevent such information from being used by ad serving companies.
1. 個人情報の利用目的をできるだけ特定し、特定された利用目的の達成に必要な範囲を超えて利用することはありません。
2. 不正な手段による個人情報の取得は行いません。取得した場合には、本人に利用目的を通知又は公表します。
3. 個人情報を利用目的の範囲内で正確かつ最新の内容に保つように努めます。
4. 個人情報の漏洩や滅失を防ぐために、必要かつ適切な安全管理措置を講じます。
5. 本人の同意なしに第三者への個人情報の提供は行いません。ただし、法令に基づく場合、人の生命、身体又は財産の保護に必要な場合、公衆衛生に関わる場合、児童の健全育成に必要な場合、公共機関等に協力する場合、その他提供することが望ましいと判断される場合を除きます。
In this blog, we will establish "Basic Policy on Personal Information Protection (Privacy Policy)" based on "Law Concerning the Protection of Personal Information" and strive to properly manage and protect personal information.
Basic policy of personal information protection (privacy policy)
1. We will identify the purpose of using personal information as much as possible and will not use it beyond the range necessary for achieving the specified purpose of use.
2. We will not collect personal information by unauthorized means. In case of acquisition, we notify or announce purpose of use to the principal.
3. We will endeavor to keep personal information accurate and up to date within the purpose of use.
4. We will take necessary and appropriate safety control measures to prevent leakage and loss of personal information.
5. We will not provide personal information to third parties without your consent. However, when it is based on laws and regulations, when necessary for the protection of human life, body or property, when involved in public health, when necessary for health training of children, when cooperating with public organizations, etc., should be provided Except when it is judged.
当ブログのクレジット記載のない画像は、基本的に当ブログオリジナルの画像であり、著作権は当ブログ管理人 kp工房 に帰属します。画像を利用したい方は下のお問い合わせフォームにてご連絡ください。
●About images
Images that do not contain credits in this blog are basically images of this blog original, and copyright belongs to this blog administrator kpkoubou. If you would like to use images please contact us with the inquiry form below.
全てのコメントは管理人である ken工房 が事前にその内容を確認し、承認した上での掲載となりますことをあらかじめご了承下さい。
○ 特定の自然人または法人を誹謗し、中傷するもの。
○ 極度にわいせつな内容を含むもの。
○ 禁制品の取引に関するものや、他者を害する行為の依頼など、法律によって禁止されている物品、行為の依頼や斡旋などに関するもの。
○ その他、公序良俗に反し、又は管理人によって承認すべきでないと認められるもの。
● About this site comment
On this site, as the response to spam / vandalism, the IP address used for comment is recorded.
This is a function supported as a standard feature of blogs, it will not use this IP address besides addressing spam / vandalism.
Also, regarding the input of e-mail address and URL, it is optional.
Please acknowledge that all comments will be posted on confirmation of the contents in advance by the administrator ken kobo in advance.
In addition, comments including the contents listed in each of the following items will not be approved at the discretion of the manager and may be deleted.
This is a function supported as a standard feature of blogs, it will not use this IP address besides addressing spam / vandalism.
Also, regarding the input of e-mail address and URL, it is optional.
Please acknowledge that all comments will be posted on confirmation of the contents in advance by the administrator ken kobo in advance.
In addition, comments including the contents listed in each of the following items will not be approved at the discretion of the manager and may be deleted.
trary to public order and morals or not to be approved by administrator.
○ Slander or slander a specific natural person or corporation.
○ Slander or slander a specific natural person or corporation.
○ Including extremely obscene content.
○ Things related to transactions of forbidden items, requests for actions that harm others, items related to requests or mediation of acts prohibited by law, etc.
○ Others that are found to be contrary to public order and morals or not to be approved by administrator.
○ Things related to transactions of forbidden items, requests for actions that harm others, items related to requests or mediation of acts prohibited by law, etc.
○ Others that are found to be contrary to public order and morals or not to be approved by administrator.
● Disclaimer
The information of this blog article is the one at the time of visit / writing by this blog administrator, and may be different from the latest information. Although we strive to provide accurate information on posted information, this blog administrator is not responsible for any loss or damage caused by using this blog. Please note.